Thursday, December 4, 2014


This isn't a food post, but it is a post about making it feel like Christmas around your house.  In the States, it feels like Christmas everywhere you go this time of year.  It's different here, you have to work to make it feel like Christmas.  We do this around our house by decorating for Christmas, making special Christmas treats & by pointing our family towards the real meaning of Christmas - anticipating the Birth of our Savior! 

This year I made an advent candle out of the wooden bowls that are sold at Ato Basket. I put a layer of foil in the bottom & then put four candles (that are sold at almost every store) and some rocks in the bowl.  I dropped a little hot wax under each candle first so they would stand on their own.  I got the rocks out of our driveway.  I topped it off with some little branches from a cedar tree that I found out in our yard.

 Each night we light a candle & read an advent story to our kids.  This year we are reading Jotham's Journey. We are reading the Kindle Version and we've really enjoyed it so far.  I encourage you to help point your family towards the True meaning of Christmas this year!

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